Intelligent IT governance decision-making support framework for a developing country's public university Y Arshad, AR Ahlan, BA Ajayi Intelligent Decision Technologies 8 (2), 131-146
IT Governance in a Malaysian Public Institute of Higher Learning and Intelligent Decision Making Support System Solution AR Ahlan, Y Arshad, BA Ajayi Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems, 19-33
IT outsourcing as an innovative strategy for economic advancement: Lessons from Malaysia Y Arshad, AR Ahlan Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M), 2013 ...
Combining Grounded Theory and Case Study Methods in IT Outsourcing Study Y Arshad, AR Ahlan, SNS Ibrahim JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 4, 84-93
An Empirical Study on the Risk Management Strategies of IT Outsourcing in Malaysia Public Sector AR Ahlan, Y Arshad, SNS Ibrahim Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Management ...
Understanding Components of IT risks and Enterprise Risk Management: A Literature Review Y Ahlan, Abdul Rahman and Arshad Risk Management 1
An empirical study on the risk management strategies of IT outsourcing in Malaysia public sector Ahlan, A.R., Arshad, Y. & S.N. Syed Ibrahim 3rd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation 2012 ...
Information Technology Risk Management: The case of the International Islamic University Malaysia AR Ahlan, Y Arshad JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1, 58-67
Understanding ITO decisions and implementations in Malaysia public healthcare sector: The evidence from a pilot case study Y Arshad, AR Ahlan Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2011 International ...
The ICT social inclusion among orang asli community in Gombak area AR Ahlan, Y Arshad Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2011 International ...
Understanding Components of IT Risks and Enterprise Risk Management AR Ahlan, Y Arshad InTech
Implication of human attitude factors toward information security: awareness in Malaysia Public University AR Ahlan, Y Arshad, M Lubis
The Malaysia IT outsourcing industry skill-sets requirements of future IT graduates AR Ahlan, Y Arshad, MA Suhaimi, H Hussin WSEAS Transactions on Computers 9 (7), 738-747
Integrating thin client solution in human-computer interaction study ARB Ahlan, YB Arshad, MB Mahmud WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 7 (6), 809-818
Configuring thin client solution for Orang Asli community in Malaysia AR Ahlan, Y Arshad Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Applications of ...
Conceptual architecture design and configuration of thin client system for schools in Malaysia: a pilot project AR Ahlan, M Mahmud, Y Arshad Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.(IEEE) 3, 952-955
OSCC MAMPU OSS case study awards 2010: E-Meeting System in International Islamic University Malaysia AR Ahlan, Y Arshad MYGOSSCON
Malaysia IT outsourcing industry: practices, models, trends and challenges from a case of an offshore global service provider AR Ahlan, MA Suhaimi, H Hussin, Y Arshad WSEAS Press 2, 396-401
The supply-side of IT outsourcing competencies and relationship exchange in Malaysia Y Arshad, AR Ahlan, R Hussein Recent Advances in E-Activities, A series of reference books & textbooks ...
The future skill-sets expectations of IT graduates in Malaysia IT outsourcing industry AR Ahlan, MA Suhaimi, H Hussin, Y Arshad 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities, Cairo, Egypt, 605-256
Assessing future needs of IT Education in Malaysia: A preliminary result AR Ahlan, MA Suhaimi, H Hussin, Y Arshad Proceedings of 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on educational ...
IT outsourcing industry practices, models, trends and challenges from a case of a Malaysian offshore global service provider A Ahlan, Y Arshad, M Suhaimi, H Hussin INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, 89-96
Assessment of the impact of IT outsourcing on IT education in Malaysian institutions of higher learnings AR Ahlan, MA Suhaimi, H Hussin, Y Arshad International Journal of Education and Information Technologies 3 (2), 167-174 2008